One of my readers wrote: “Lately, I can’t seem to get rid of one persistent thought: Is the evolution done now? Those who don’t like the word evolution can substitute it with God’s purpose or anything they believe in. What I have in mind is the force which moves and shapes things into their new form, depending on the circumstances. I’m talking about the force of survival. And that the barren will (inevitably) fall off and as a result fertilize the way for the rest and the future. My inner voice is telling me that evolution can never end, and so I can’t help but ask why you write, who you write for and why you warn against those women-would-be-goddesses… what the purpose of your work is… and somehow I figured out that you are a tool of evolution (or God’s purpose if you like) because you’re trying to help them out of the trap of consumerism and unhappiness.”
Let me try to give you my point of view on this. As the title suggests, I am certain that the evolution has not ended. Only the time needed for any evolution changes to be visible and tangible is much longer than me or you can ever notice. However, today we know that our children are smarter by every generation: their brains and thinking minds are structured in a different, more abstract way which is capable of handling and understanding the (digital) technology much better than us, old-timers, however, their sense of smell and hearing is worse – no wonder, living in the polluted and noisy (mega) cities. The medical society is talking not only of genetic but more frequently of epigenetic changes and impacts (as the consequences of our changing behaviour and environment) which are passed to the next generation.
However, the more important question here is how we manage what the evolution already gave us. Or rather, what it had planned to give us before the proud human ego (which we like to call “intelligence”) got in its natural way. While the evolution cultivated the female ability to survive and genes handoff to the next generation even in the most difficult of conditions, it could never have factored in for the men taking vital role in the process of birth giving (male obstetricians). The same way it couldn’t have factored in the wheels of motorcars against the spines of a hedgehog, for example.
So, to answer the question why I write, an analogue situation comes to mind where a boy borrows a knife from his mum (he wants to cut out his own small figure dog out of a wood) and all she can do is to warn him to be careful not to cut himself. And the way she does it is another question – for instance, the aborigine women (in more primitive societies) let their boys play with the knife under their granddads supervision because they trust they both will be able to deal with the potential risks. In other words, in order for their boys to acquire the skills for future, they’re willing to risk one time cut, knowing their boys will learn from this experience and avoid it so it will never happen again. It is very similar in my case; I try to warn those women-would-be-goddesses against where they may end up if they keep going from one extreme into another – influenced by a dominating male ideology.
I am trying to smooth out the extremes and warn against the vicious circles (cycles). And because I have no political agenda or function, I can afford to say things as they are, straight (without the unhelpful political correctness) and without fear – because I feel these things need to be said. I’d like to offer a way to shorten anyone’s journey through numerous vicious circles and dead ends, as well as to root in the seeds of reasonable doubt and questions I myself like them to ask (that will hopefully prove fruitful in future).
My reader continues: “That woman from your previous article is like a Siren (a fallen angel) who lures her victims into the traps of her own illusions. She gives them tough choices, either they stay entrapped there with a career and no children (or with children but who will most likely carry their mothers’ burdens). Or they will prove themselves, find the ground under their feet, run away from their old vile illusions, live happier lives and give birth to healthy and happy children.”
And I would add, that he forgot to mention those abandoned husbands and small children affected by traumatic birth and a lifetime burden (or “disability” if you like) of their ruined lives. This is not a part of evolution, it’s a deviation. An aberration that is above all absurdly and unbearably useless.
However, regardless of how hard I try, I can not help some women out of their traps – especially if they themselves don’t want to get out. The only thing I can do, and which is exactly what I do is to offer those who are interested the information, my experience and advice on how to get out of their own dead ends. I can never blame anyone for being manipulated into them, but what I’m hinting is that they might have refused the opportunity to work on themselves (and their burdens) way too easily. After all, it is the women who are capable and best suited to change the way of things, not the men. I may blame them for too little courage to make that decision and their lack of patience to work on themselves (and thus give birth to next generation of healthy, happy, naturally born and well brought up Buddhas). The amount of energy they spent on criticizing men would have been much better spent turned inwards to their femininity that could change not only them but the whole world.
One of my female readers (finally) wrote: “I started praising my husband and you would not believe the fantastic change at home… thanks a million!” And I add that, while for her it meant a mere few words and one little step forward, for the rest of the female population in the world it would mean a huge leap towards the better future – for all of us.
Just to throw another variable in, the negative epigenetic changes are a direct consequence of the human activity (just like a software virus). Just as climatic conditions may not be directly changeable by humans, our way of life (and consumption) may be (or rather will be) the last straw that broke camel’s back. Those changes would be most definitely visible and tangible in the progress of evolution. Now, try to look at it from the position of the Earth (and evolution) – if the human kind was entirely extinct, the evolution would have most likely just crossed off the unsuccessful attempt for intelligent life and without any regrets continued its own path, just like in that joke about two planets talking: “hey, so how are you?” the other planet answers: “ah, not so good, I have people on” and the first one answers: “don’t worry, that’ll go”.
This sort of experience is just like any other, a great learning ground. Only the price is sometimes too high. Hypertrophied and blind lust of some modern women to compete in male’s world using male’s tools and way of thinking but keeping the female consumerism ways is (pardon the pun) worth every penny. Evolution has not ended, evolution lasts and it doesn’t care whether we speed it up with our ignorance, make it all better or worse. If we don’t realize we have to learn from our past, we’re just going to have to repeat it over and over again. And maybe one day somebody somewhere digs out some old paper scrolls, carrying messages from someone wise who warned about this kind of future long time before it came… perhaps he will learn… Evolution simply does what we allow it to.